Sunday Service Times: 9:45 am Sunday School 11:00 am Morning Worship


FNC Phased Re-Opening Plans & Guidelines

Phase One   Re-Open on Sunday June 21st
*In Person Worship Gathering ONLY at 11 am in Sanctuary
*All Groups: Sunday School Classes, Deeper, Ablaze Youth, Young Adult, Kids, (except for the Praise Team on Sunday & the Leadership Team monthly meeting) There will be no nursery or children’s church.
*Online Worship Streaming will continue via Facebook
*All Potluck Dinners & Coffee Fellowship are postponed until further notice
*There will be Hand Sanitizer Stations located in the lobby as well as in the Sanctuary. We ask all people to use this as they come and leave.
*There will be no bulletins or papers such as standards or devotionals. We will utilize the power point announcement slides for important news and updates. We will use digital resources (where available) for Sunday School classes and devotionals.
*Only Lobby bathrooms are to be used.
*From the Welcome Fountain down to classrooms and fellowship hall will be closed off. Only staff, leadership team and custodian will be allowed.
*Drinking fountains will be closed off.
*To ensure the 6ft social distancing during Worship, there will be certain rows that will be blocked off. Families can sit together. Multiple families using the same row must sit at least two chairs apart from each other. We will inform Families/People to exit after Worship starting with the back rows. The back doors in the Sanctuary will be propped open for people to exit. We ask that there will be no congregating inside, however outside is permitted.
*We recommend people and volunteers to wear masks however this is not required.
*At no time, will there be physical contact. No shaking of hands or hugging, however, lots of smiling is essential
*Offerings will continue through mail, or online giving or utilizing the offering box in the rear of the Sanctuary.
* ‘After Worship, Sanitizing Crews’ from our Leadership Team will make sure all things are sanitized for the next week.
*Welcome Team (Greeters) will not open doors for people but will just wave and smile as they welcome everyone, keeping their 6ft distance. All Doors will be unlocked for people to use. The doors to the Sanctuary will be propped open.
*When we have Communion, we will utilize the pre-packaged elements.
*The Praise Team will keep 6ft apart and have their own microphones to use.
*There will be only 1 person in the Sound Booth.
*All those people who are feeling sick are advised to stay home.
*We will go Month by Month to review these guidelines